Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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Start: Topical Index: Types: Sexual Assault: Child Sexual Abuse:

Types: Sexual Assault:

[Info] Alexandrov, Alexandar, et al. »Sexual Violence in Childhood: Literature Review and Statistical Study of the Problem.« Science and Technologies 5 (2015) 295-300.

[Info] Blass, Rachel B., et al. »The value of the historical perspective to contemporary psychoanalysis: Freud’s ‘seduction hypothesis’.« International Journal of Psychoanalysis 75 (1994): 677-694.

[Info] Böhm, Bettina, et al. »Child Sexual Abuse in the Context of the Roman Catholic Church: A Review of Literature from 1981-2013.« Journal of Child Sexual Abuse 23 (2014): 635-656.

[Info] Cashmore, Judy, et al. »Introduction: Responding to Historical Child Sexual Abuse and the Needs of Survivors.« Current Issues in Criminal Justice 26 (2014): 1-4.

[Info] Connolly, Deborah A., et al. »Twenty-Six Years Prosecuting Historic Child Sexual Abuse Cases: Has Anything Changed?« Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 23 (2017): 166-177.

[Info] Dressing, Harald, et al. »Sexual abuse of minors within the Catholic Church and other institutions: An literature review.« neuropsychiatrie (April 12, 2017).

[Info] Foote, Wendy L. Child Sexual Abuse Allegations in the Family Court. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Sydney, 2006.

[Info] Grey, Rosemary. »Sexual Violence against Child Soldiers: The Limits and Potential of International Criminal Law.« International Feminist Journal of Politics 16 (2014): 601-621.

[Info] Middleton, Warwick, et al. »Institutional abuse and societal silence: An emerging global problem.« Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 48 (2014): 22-25.

[Info] Murphy, Ray. »An Assessment of UN Efforts to Address Sexual Misconduct by Peacekeeping Personnel.« International Peacekeeping 13 (2006): 531-546.

[Info] Murphy, Ray. »An Assessment of UN Efforts to Address Sexual Misconduct by Peacekeeping Personnel.« Peace Operations and Human Rights. Edited by Ray Murphy et al. London 2008: 75-90.

[Info] O’Malley, G. Jeffrey, ed. Abuse Studies in the Humanities. Literature/Film Quarterly 52(2) (2024).

[Info] O’Malley, G. Jeffrey. »A Personal Call for Abuse Studies: A Path Toward Pride, Beauty, and Hope.« Literature/Film Quarterly 52(2) (2024).

[Info] Park, Yeon, et al. »??? ??·????? ??? ??????.« ??????? No. 58 (2017): 47-76.

[Info] Pegg, Samantha. »Sweet Fanny Adams and Sarah's Law: The Creation of Rhetorical Shorthand in the Print Press.« Law, Crime and History 3 (2013): 76-96.

[Info] Rodenhäuser, Tilman. »Squaring the Circle? Prosecuting Sexual Violence against Child Soldiers by their 'Own Forces'.« Journal of International Criminal Justice (February 24, 2016).

[Info] Salter, Michael. Organised Sexual Abuse. New York 2013.

[Info] Sapucaia, Annie. »Organised Sexual Abuse.« New Books in Sociology (2014).

[Info] Schwarz, Florian. »50 Jahre Dr. Hans Matthäi. Die Darstellung sexueller Gewalt gegen Kinder im kommerziellen Kino.« Sexuelle Gewalt im Film. Edited by Jochem Kotthaus. Weinheim 2015: 208-224.

[Info] Sköld, Johanna. »Historical Abuse: A Contemporary Issue: Compiling Inquiries into Abuse and Neglect of Children in Out-of-Home Care Worldwide.« Journal of Scandinavian Studies in Criminology and Crime Prevention 14(S1) (2013): 5-23.

[Info] Sköld, Johanna, et al., eds. Apologies and the Legacy of Abuse of Children in 'Care': International Perspectives. Basingstoke 2015.

[Info] Srivats, Priya S. From Dolores Haze to Dakota Fanning: How Nabokov's Little Girl Went from Being a Victim of Sexual Assault to a Fashion Icon. B.A. Thesis, Women's College Claremont, 2013.

[Info] Weatherred, Jane L. »Child Sexual Abuse and the Media: A Literature Review.« Journal of Child Sexual Abuse 24 (2015): 16-34.

[Info] Whittier, Nancy. The Politics of Child Sexual Abuse: Emotion, Social Movements, and the State. Oxford 2009 .

[Info] Wright, Katie. »Speaking Out: Representations of Childhood and Sexual Abuse in the Media, Memoir and Public Inquiries.« Red Feather Journal 7 (2016): 17-30.

[Info] Wyatt, Caroline, et al. »Jehovah's Witnesses and Child Sexual Abuse.« The Report (July 23, 2015).

[Site] A f r i c a n   H i s t o r y

[Site] Burkinabe History

[Info] Singleton, Robyn, et al. »Young Africans’ social representations of sexual abuse of power in their HIV-related creative narratives, 2005–2014: Cultural scripts and applied possibilities.« Culture, Health & Sexuality (March 28, 2018).

[Site] Congolese History

Cases: Real Offenders: Bosco Ntaganda

[Site] Ghanaian History

[Site] Kenyan History

[Info] Singleton, Robyn, et al. »Young Africans’ social representations of sexual abuse of power in their HIV-related creative narratives, 2005–2014: Cultural scripts and applied possibilities.« Culture, Health & Sexuality (March 28, 2018).

[Site] Nigerian History

Cases: Fictional Offenders: Tayo; Fictional Victims: Morayo; Represenations: Films: Dry; Literary Texts: Sefi Atta, Yejide Kilanko

[Info] Singleton, Robyn, et al. »Young Africans’ social representations of sexual abuse of power in their HIV-related creative narratives, 2005–2014: Cultural scripts and applied possibilities.« Culture, Health & Sexuality (March 28, 2018).

[Site] Senegalese History

[Info] Singleton, Robyn, et al. »Young Africans’ social representations of sexual abuse of power in their HIV-related creative narratives, 2005–2014: Cultural scripts and applied possibilities.« Culture, Health & Sexuality (March 28, 2018).

[Site] South African History

Representations: Films: Tsotsi; Literary Texts: Lara Foot Newton (Tshepang: the third testament)

[Site] Swazi History

[Info] Singleton, Robyn, et al. »Young Africans’ social representations of sexual abuse of power in their HIV-related creative narratives, 2005–2014: Cultural scripts and applied possibilities.« Culture, Health & Sexuality (March 28, 2018).

[Site] A m e r i c an   H i s t o r y

[Site] Brazilian History

[Info] Klug, Debora P., et al. »Diagnóstico dos inqéritos de estupro de vulnerável do município de Bento Gonçalves (RS) entre 2014 e 2019.« Revista Contemporânea 4 (2024): 1-18.

[Info] Landini, Tatiana S. »Pedofilia em museus: Quando o antigo conceito de pânico moral se faz presente.« Dilemas 11 (2018): 512-532.

[Info] Torres, Alejandra S.B., et al. »Care to female adolescents victims of sexual violence at a referral service in Brazil from 2011 to 2018.« International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics (April 26, 2021).

[Site] Canadian History

Cases: Real Incidents: Tisdale Rape Case

[Info] Canadian Centre for Child Protection Inc. »The Prevalence of Sexual Abuse by K-12 School Personnel in Canada, 1997–2017.« Journal of Child Sexual Abuse (June 12, 2018).

[Info] Hermawan, Erwin. »Research Trends On Technology-Assisted Child Sexual Abuse: A 20 Years Bibliometric Analysis.« International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences 5 (2024): 1066-1071.

[Info] Trothen, Tracy J. Shattering the Illusion: Child Sexual Abuse and Canadian Religious Institutions. Waterloo 2012.

[Site] Chilean History

[Info] Díaz Tejo, Javier. »Abusos sexuales de la Iglesia en Chile: Una deuda de la Catequética local.« Revista de Educación Religiosa 2 (2020): 131-155.

[Info] Pinto-Cortez, Cristián, et al. »Abuso sexual eclesiástico en Chile: Las interpretaciones de altos representantes de la Iglesia Católica ante las acusaciones.« Interciencia 45 (2020): 409-416.

[Site] Costa Rican History

[Info] Monge-Nájera, Julián. »Complaints about Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Minors and sex crimes involving minors in Costa Rica: Temporal and geographic trends in a ten year period according to government statistics.« Electronic Journal of Human Sexuality 17 (2014).

[Site] Ecuadorian History

[Info] Portilla Piarpuezán, Elizabeth A. Consecuencias psicológicas en niños y niñas víctimas de abuso sexual registradas en la Fiscalía General del Estado desde el 2010 hasta el 2018. Trabajo, Universidad Central del Ecuador, 2021.

[Site] Guyanese History

Incidents: SOS Children's Villages Sexual Abuse Cases

[Site] U.S. History

[Info] Cheit, Ross E., et al. »Magazine Coverage of Child Sexual Abuse, 1992–2004.« Journal of Child Sexual Abuse 19 (2010): 99-117.

[Info] Doan, Carrie. »Child Sexual Abuse as Gendered Violence: A Critique of Media Coverage of Child Sexual Abuse in the US and Britain.« Annual Meeting of the Law and Society Association. Chicago 2010.

[Info] Hermawan, Erwin. »Research Trends On Technology-Assisted Child Sexual Abuse: A 20 Years Bibliometric Analysis.« International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences 5 (2024): 1066-1071.

[Info] Jean-Charles, Regíne M. »"I Think I Was Rape": Black Feminist Readings of Affect and Incest in PreciousBlack Camera 4 (2012): 139-160.

[Info] Lorenz, Katherine, et al. »An Examination of Unfounded, Cleared, and Exceptionally Cleared Sexual Assault Case Outcomes from 1999-2014.« 75th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology. San Francisco 2019.

[Info] Lucier-Greer, Mallory, et al. »Trends in the Annual Incidence Rates of Child Sexual Abuse and Child Maltreatment over the Past 25 Years in the United States.« Child Abuse Review (April 3, 2024).

[Info] McGuigan, William M., et al. »A Single-Case Study of Resiliency After Extreme Incest in an Old Order Amish Family.« Journal of Child Sexual Abuse 24 (2015): 526-537.

[Info] Menard, Kim S., et al. »Context and Time Matter: A Multi-Year (1999-2014). Multi-Data Set Analysis of Child Sexual Abuse Case Processing from Pennsylvania Counties.« 74th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology. Atlanta 2018.

[Info] Michals, Debra, chair. »Silencing and Erasure in North America: Comparative Histories of Violence against Women and Children, 19th–21st Century.« 117th OAH Conference on American History. New Orleans 2024.

[Info] Ring, Sinéad. »Due process and the admission of expert evidence on recovered memory in historic child sexual abuse cases: Lessons from America.« The International Journal of Evidence & Proof 16 (2012): 66-92.

[Info] Schroot, Lisa M. A Culture of Rape: In Twentieth Century American Literature and Beyond. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Kentucky, 2016.

[Info] Shavit, Yael, et al. »Television Newsmagazine Coverage of Child Sexual Abuse: 1990-2005.« Journal of Mass Communication & Journalism 4 (2014).

[Info] Tolmie, Jane. »Scene and Obscene: Graphic Approaches to Child Sexual Abuse.« 22nd Annual Conference on American Literature. Boston 2011.

[Info] Zgoba, Kristen M. »Sex Crimes.« The Encyclopedia of Theoretical Criminology. Edited by J. Mitchell Miller. Hoboken 2014.

[Site] A s i a n   H i s t o r y

[Site] Indian History

Cases: Fictional Offenders: Vinay; Fictional Victims: Thelma Barley; Mala Khatri, Shanta Khatri; Representations: Films: Monsoon Wedding; Literary Texts: Manju Kapur (Home), Mahesh Dattani (Thirty Days in September)

[Site] Japanese History

Representations: Literary Texts: Haruki Murakami (1Q84), Kazuki Sakuraba (Watashi no Otoko)

[Info] Linderström, Jenny. Boys' Love: En studie av maskuliniteter och maktrelationer i yaoi manga. Självständigt arbete på grundnivå, Södertörns Högskola, 2007.

[Site] Pakistani History

Representations: Press:: Daily Jang, Dawn

[Info] Jabeen, Tahira. »Child Protection Data: An analysis of Newspapers Coverage of child protection issues in Pakistan.« South Asian Studies 29 (2014): 123-135.

[Site] Tajik History

[Info] Haarr, Robin. »Violence and Exploitation of Children in Tajikistan.« Central Asian Survey 24 (2005): 131-149.

[Site] E u r o p e a n   H i s t o r y

[Site] Danish History

[Info] Sköld, Johanna. »The truth about abuse? A comparative approach to inquiry narratives on historical institutional child abuse.« History of Education 45 (2016): 492-509.

[Info] Skovmand, Sofie, et al. »Trends in child sexual abuse cases referred for forensic examination in Southern Denmark from 2000 to 2011: Did the ‘Tønder-case’ have an impact?« Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine 36 (2015): 121-125.

[Site] Dutch History

Cases: Real Incidents: Amsterdam Sex Crimes Case; Real Offenders: Robert Mikelson, Richard van Olffen Represenations: Literary Texts: Ilona Lammertink

[Site] English History

Cases: Real Incidents: Anglican Communion Sexual Abuse Cases, Rochdale Child Sex Abuse Ring; Real Offenders: Jimmy Savile; Real Victims: Sarah Wilson; Representations: Comics: Becoming Unbecoming; Literary Texts: Stephen Brown (Future Me), Fiona Evans (Scarborough), Jennifer Haley (The Nether), David Harrower (Blackbird), Anthony Horowitz (The House of Silk), Sayan Kent (The Predator), Anthony Neilson (The Lying Kind), Luke Owen (Unscorched), Lucy Prebble (The Sugar Syndrome), David Ian Rabey (The Hanging Judge), Philip Ridley (Mercury Fur), Mike Sheath (Crossing the Line); Radio: Bright Spark

[Info] Boyle, Karen. »Television and/as Testimony: (Child) Sexual Abuse and Media Constructions of Believability.« 59th Annual Conference of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies. Toronto 2018.

[Info] Davies, Emma, et al. »Child abuse in England and Wales 2003–2013: Newspaper reporting versus reality.« Journalism 18 (2017): 754-771.

[Info] Degli Esposti, Michelle, et al. »Long-term trends in child maltreatment in England and Wales, 1858-2016: An observational, time-series analysis.« The Lancet Public Health 4 (2019): e148-158.

[Info] Doan, Carrie. »Child Sexual Abuse as Gendered Violence: A Critique of Media Coverage of Child Sexual Abuse in the US and Britain.« Annual Meeting of the Law and Society Association. Chicago 2010.

[Info] Hermawan, Erwin. »Research Trends On Technology-Assisted Child Sexual Abuse: A 20 Years Bibliometric Analysis.« International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences 5 (2024): 1066-1071.

[Info] Jay, Alexis. Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Exploitation in Rotherham 1997-2013. Rotherham 2014.

[Info] McManus, Michelle A., et al. »Trends of indecent images of children and child sexual offences between 2005/2006 and 2012/13 within the United Kingdom.« Journal of Sexual Aggression 20 (2014): 142-155.

[Info] Meyer, Anneke. »The Rotherham abuse scandal.« Childhood and Youth. Edited by Gary Clapton. Bristol 2015: 53- .

[Info] Meyer, Anneke. »The Rotherham abuse scandal.« Revisiting Moral Panics. Edited by Viviene E. Cree et al. Bristol 2015: 113-122.

[Info] Wheatley, Helen. »Haunted Television: Morality, Trauma, and the Spectre in the Archive.« 59th Annual Conference of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies. Toronto 2018.

[Info] Wood, Helen. »Three Working-Class Girls, Television, and the 'Voicing' of Sexual Abuse.« 59th Annual Conference of the Society for Cinema and Media Studies. Toronto 2018.

[Site] French History

Cases: Fictional Victims: Salomé Ziegler; Real Incidents: Catholic Church Sexual Abuse Cases; Represenations: Comics: Les Voyages d’Ulysse

[Info] Ambroise-Rendu, Anne-Claude. Histoire de la pédophilie, XIX e- XXI e siècle. Paris 2014.

[Site] German History

[Info] Amendt, Günter. »Sexueller Missbrauch von Kindern: Zur Pädophiliediskussion von 1980 bis heute.« Merkur 64 (2010): 1161-1172.

[Info] Amendt, Günter. »Sexueller Missbrauch von Kindern: Zur Pädophiliediskussion von 1980 bis heute (Teil 1).« hlz Nos. 3-4 (2011): 33-36.

[Info] Amendt, Günter. »Sexueller Missbrauch von Kindern: Zur Pädophiliediskussion von 1980 bis heute (Teil 2).« hlz No. 5 (2011): 35-41.

[Info] Andresen, Sabine, et al. »Anhörungen von Zeitzeug_innen und ihre Bedeutung für die Aufarbeitung sexueller Gewalt: Erziehungs- und kindheitstheoretische Perspektiven.« Zeitschrift für Pädagogik 62 (2016): 624-637.

[Info] Andresen, Sabine, et al. »Worin liegt die Verantwortung der Erziehungswissenschaft? Ein Diskussionsbeitrag zur Aufarbeitung sexualisierter Gewalt in der Erziehungswissenschaft.« Erziehungswissenschaft 28 (2017): 39-49.

[Info] Baader, Meike S. »Pedo-Sexuality: An Especially German History.« WSQ 43 (2015): 315-322.

[Info] Baader, Meike S. »History and gender matters: Erziehung – Gewalt – Sexualität in der Moderne in geschlechtergeschichtlicher Perspektive.« Erziehung – Gewalt – Sexualität: Zum Verhältnis von Geschlecht und Gewalt in Erziehung und Bildung. Edited by Claudia Mahs et al. Opladen 2016: 13-36.

[Info] Baader, Meike S. »Zum beredten Schweigen der Disziplin Erziehungswissenschaft in Geschichte und Gegenwart.« Herbsttagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft. Erkner 2023.

[Info] Baader, Meike S. »Vom beredten Schweigen der Disziplin Erziehungswissenschaft im Umgang mit sexualisierter Gewalt in Geschichte und Gegenwart.« Erziehungswissenschaft No. 68 (2024): 15-26.

[Info] Brachmann, Jens. Reformpädagogik zwischen Re-Education, Bildungsexpansion und Missbrauchsskandal: Die Geschichte der Vereinigung deutscher Landerziehungsheime 1947–2012. Heilbrunn 2015.

[Info] Brachmann, Jens. »Die Aufarbeitung der Vorkommnisse sexualisierter Gewalt an der Odenwaldschule: Institutionenforschung, Diskursanalyse, historisch-kritische Rekonstruktion der Tätersysteme.« Bildung und Gewalt. Edited by Johannes Bilstein et al. Wiesbaden 2016: 233-250.

[Info] Brachmann, Jens. »Pädosexuelle Gewaltverbrechen: Erwartungen an die „wissenschaftliche“ Aufarbeitung.« Erziehungswissenschaft 28 (2017): 75-84.

[Info] Dreßing, Harald, et al. »Sexueller Missbrauch von Kindern durch katholische Priester seit 2009: Verlauf und relative Häufigkeit im Vergleich zur männlichen Allgemeinbevölkerung.« Psychiatrische Praxis 46 (2019): 256-262.

[Info] Dreßing, Harald. »Das Ausmaß der Vertuschung: Neue Analysen der MHG-Daten belasten die Kirche im Vergleich der Institutionen. Herder-Korrespondenz 74 (2020): 13-16.

[Info] Füller, Christian. Die Revolution missbraucht ihre Kinder: Sexuelle Gewalt in deutschen Prostestbewegungen. Munich 2015.

[Info] Gebrande, Julia. »Die Entstehung der Beratungsstellen gegen sexualisierte Gewalt und der Forschung über Kinder mit sexuellen Missbrauchserfahrungen.« Tabubruch und Entgrenzung: Kindheit und Sexualität nach 1968. Edited by Meike S. Baader et al. Cologne 2017: 300-312.

[Info] Gebrande, Julia, et al., eds. Machtmissbrauch in der katholischen Kirche: Aufarbeitung und Prävention sexualisierter Gewalt. Hildesheim 2019.

[Info] Gebrande, Julia. »Sexualisisierte Gewalt in der katholischen Kirche: Ein Überblick über aktuelle Forschungen und Entwicklungen und ihre Konsequenzen.« Kindesmisshandlung und - vernachlässigung 22 (2019): 44-55.

[Info] Kessl, Fabian. »Die Erziehungswissenschaft und ihre „pädagogischen Täter“: Eine kommentierende Einordnung des Themenschwerpunktes.« Erziehungswissenschaft 28 (2017): 9-10.

[Info] Klecha, Stephan. »Die Grünen ald Avantgardepartei und Vertreterin eines bereits vergangene Zeitgeistes.« Tabubruch und Entgrenzung: Kindheit und Sexualität nach 1968. Edited by Meike S. Baader et al. Cologne 2017: 161-188.

[Info] Klecha, Stephan. Die Grünen zwischen Empathie und Distanz in der Pädosexualitätsfrage: Anatomie eines Lernprozesses. Wiesbaden 2017.

[Info] Leygraf, Norbert, et al. Sexuelle Übergriffe durch katholische Geistliche in Deutschland: Eine Analyse forensischer Gutachten 2000-2010. Bonn 2012.

[Info] Pohling. Andrea. »Über den Wandel von Diskursen und die Aufarbeitung sexueller Gewalt: Eine Skizze.« Diskurs 19 (2024): 153-167.

[Info] Reiß, Sven. »Päderastie in der deutschen Jugendbewegung: Eine kulturwissenschaftliche Annäherung.« Zeitschrift für Pädagogik 62 (2016): 670-683.

[Info] Richter, Johannes. »Pädophilie: Anfragen an die geschichtspolitische Funktion eines prominenten Deutungsmusters.« Geschichtspolitik und Soziale Arbeit: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven. Edited by Johannes Richter. Wiesbaden 2017: 197-219.

[Info] Walter, Franz. »Die Grünen und die Last des Libertären: Ausblick.« Die Grünen und die Pädosexualität: Eine bundesdeutsche Geschichte. Edited by Franz Walter et al. Göttingen 2015: 252-270.

[Info] Wazlawik, Martin, et al. »Aufarbeitung sexueller Gewalt in Institutionen des Aufwachsens: Herausforderungen erziehungswissenschaftlicher Forschung und Positionierung. Einführung in den Thementeil.« Zeitschrift für Pädagogik 62 (2016): 619-623.

[Info] Wetzels, Peter G., et al. »Child sexual abuse in Germany: Changes between 1992 and 2011. Results of national representative surveys.« 70th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Criminology. San Francisco 2014.

[Info] Willekens, Harry. »Der rechtliche Umgang mit der Sexualität von Jugendlichen und Kindern: Widersprüchliche Entwicklungen.« Tabubruch und Entgrenzung: Kindheit und Sexualität nach 1968. Edited by Meike S. Baader et al. Cologne 2017: 123-136.

[Site] Irish History

Representations: Literary Texts: Eimear McBride (A Girl is a Half-formed Thing); Representations: Radio: What the Bishops Knew

[Info] Kenny, Colum. »Significant Television: Journalism, Sex Abuse and the Catholic Church in Ireland.« Irish Communications Review 11 (2009): 63-76.

[Info] Ring, Sinéad. »Analysing Fairness in Context in Historic Child Sexual Abuse Prohibition Applications.« Irish Criminal Law Journal 23 (2013): 132-140.

[Info] Ring, Sinéad. »Trauma and the Construction of Suffering in Irish Historical Child Sexual Abuse Prosecutions.« International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy 6 (2017): 88-103.

[Info] Ring, Sinéad. »The Victim of Historical Child Sexual Abuse in the Irish Courts 1999–2006.« Social & Legal Studies 26 (2017): 562-580.

[Info] Ring, Sinéad. »'Our most precious possession of all': The survivor of non-recent childhood sexual abuse as the ideal victim?« Revisiting the 'Ideal Victim': Developments in Critical Victimology. Edited by Marian Duggan. Bristol 2018.

[Info] Ring, Sinéad. »On delay and duration: Law’s temporal orders in historical child sexual abuse cases.« Law and Time. Edited by Siân Beynon-Jones et al. London 2019.

[Info] Sköld, Johanna. »The truth about abuse? A comparative approach to inquiry narratives on historical institutional child abuse.« History of Education 45 (2016): 492-509.

[Info] Valente, Joseph, et al. The Child Sex Scandal and Modern Irish Literature: Writing the Unspeakable. Bloomington 2020.

[Site] Italian History

[Info] Ceccarelli, Giulia, et al. »La violenza sessuale sui minorenni: Indagine sulle denunce pervenute alle procura della repubblica presso il tribunale per i minorenni di Perugia dal 1991 al 2006.« Rassegna Italiana di Criminologia 3 (2009): 296-307.

[Site] Polish History

[Info] Wi?cek-Dura?ska, Anna. »Clergy-perpetrated sexual crime against minors: Case study.« Psychiatria Polska (October 5, 2020).

[Info] Wi?cek-Dura?ska, Anna. »Przest?pczo?? seksualna duchownych wobec osób ma?oletnich: Analiza przypadków.« Psychiatria Polska (October 5, 2020).

[Site] Portuguese History

Cases: Real Incidents: Catholic Church Sexual Abuse Cases

[Site] Spanish History

Representations: Films: La mala educación

[Info] Rashid, Faisal, et al. »Clerical Child Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church in Spain: A Contemporary or Historical Phenomenon?« Georgetown Journal of International Affairs 23 (Fall 2022): 227-237.

[Site] Swedish History

[Info] Beverlöv. Linda. Genusroll eller föräldraroll? – En rättshistorisk analys av synen på kön och föräldrar som förövare av misshandel mot barn i lagstiftning och domar från perioden 1900–2020. Examensarbete, Uppdala Universitet, 2024.

[Info] Sköld, Johanna, et al. »Conflicting or Complementing Narratives? Interviewees' Stories Compared to their Documentary Records in the Swedish Inquiry on Child Abuse and Neglect in Institutions and Foster Homes.« Archives and Manuscripts 40 (2012): 15-28.

[Info] Sköld, Johanna. »The truth about abuse? A comparative approach to inquiry narratives on historical institutional child abuse.« History of Education 45 (2016): 492-509.

[Site] Welsh History

Cases: Real Incidents: Anglican Communion Sexual Abuse Cases; Representations: Literary Texts: Rachel Trezise

[Info] Davies, Emma, et al. »Child abuse in England and Wales 2003–2013: Newspaper reporting versus reality.« Journalism 18 (2017): 754-771.

[Info] Degli Esposti, Michelle, et al. »Long-term trends in child maltreatment in England and Wales, 1858-2016: An observational, time-series analysis.« The Lancet Public Health 4 (2019): e148-158.

[Site] O c e a n i a n   H i s t o r y

[Site] Australian History

Cases: Real Incidents: Anglican Communion Sexual Abuse Cases; Types: Child Pornography; Representations: Literary Texts: Jayneen Sanders

[Info] Boxall, Hayley, et al. Historical review of sexual offence and child sexual abuse legislation in Australia: 1788-2013. Canberra 2014.

[Info] Cashmore, Judy, et al. »Trends in prosecutions for child sexual abuse in South Australia 1992-2012.« Adelaide Law Review 39 (2018): 99-123.

[Info] Death, Jodi. »Bad Apples, Bad Barrel: Exploring Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse by Catholic Clergy in Australia.« International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy 4 (2015): 94-110.

[Info] Mathews, Ben. Mandatory reporting laws for child sexual abuse in Australia: A legislative history. Report for the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. Sydney 2014.

[Info] Mathews, Ben, et al. »Reports of child sexual abuse of boys and girls: Longitudinal trends over a 20-year period in Victoria, Australia.« Child Abuse & Neglect 66 (2017): 9-22.

[Info] Middleton, Warwick, et al. »The Australian Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.« Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry 48 (2014): 17-21.

[Info] Swain, Shurlee. History of Australian inquiries reviewing institutions providing care for children. Sydney 2014.

[Info] Swain, Shurlee. History of child protection legislation. Sydney 2014.